In 1971 Joyce Newbery started what is now one of the biggest riding schools in the south of England. In 1997 Jacky, Joyce's daughter, left school and joined the family business full time.We now boast 50 horses in the riding school, but in the beginning there where only 6! Over the years we have taught thousands of people to ride. From TV personalities for acting roles,competition riders and everyday pleasure riders alike, we pride ourselves on treating everyone as an individual and believe this to be one of our main reasons for success.
We have always worked closely with the Riding for the Disabled and still do,we have a team of RDA horses and ponies that regularly compete at RDA shows and national championships with success.
We believe everyone should have the chance to ride, a horse will not discriminate as so many others do and it gives everyone the chance to experience the freedom of riding.

Oaklands has in one way or another touched the lives of many people, a day does not go by when a parent doesn't say 'I learnt to ride here' or 'I am still friends with the people I met at Oaklands as a child' and best of all, 'my fondest memories are of time spent with you'. Everyone, no matter what age, has a special story they have to tell of their time at Oaklands. We hope these stories will continue for many years.
Times have changed beyond belief, with riding safety issues constantly developing. We selected all our horses and ponies with this in mind and although each horse has an individual character, they are picked with a lifetime of expertise behind us of teaching all ages and abilities to ride.
We believe horses are not machines and need to be treated as individuals with the respect they deserve. Our success in the equestrian world is proven in our longevity. We hope if you have experienced riding with us it was enjoyable, or if you are thinking about riding with us it will be a memorable occasion.
Oaklands Riding school and livery yard was established in 1971 and has always been a family run business.We pride ourselves in the quality and variety of our 50 riding school horses and treat each customer as an individual, catering for any specific needs.
Oaklands stables is set in the beautiful Devonshire countryside with the added advantage of being on the outskirts of Exeter.